Sunday, January 18, 2009

Did You NOTICE at all ?

Many years ago, I recall watching watching a very interesting programme on TV which dealt with "BLOOPERS" caught in the movie world. They showed several instances of such bloopers that went unedited even in the actual films released for screening in cinemas.

One that unk Dicko can recall clearly was from the blockbuster "SPARTACUS". It really surprised me back then when the footage was shown in slow motion. It appeared in the opening credits and ending as the film introduces the sets, names and the background.
As the names slowly scroll the background, near the horizon...a car can actually be seen driving through the winding countryside!!
How could that happen? Well, read happens all the time!!

If you think that film Directors or News Directors must surely be 100%
accurate in their work... well, think again, especially after looking at these examples of Bloopers in filming or editing.

This ancient Tang Dynasty martial fighter can tell you the time by!

He is facing a life and death situation and where oh where is his trigger finger?

There were already aeroplanes flying in Achilles' time !
Wonder which airline that plane belongs to?

The cell phone was already in use in ancient time!
Most useful to call for reinforcement when surrounded by enemies.

ADDIDAS must be feeling very PROUD that well-known pirates of the infamous Pirate era were sporting their headgear!

Can you tell us what you are seeing Mr President?
" Ah...erh..ah....!!! "


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